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The Mouth Sore Affliction

The Mouth Sore Affliction

Sometimes patients develop toothaches or gum discomfort, but mouth pain comes in many other forms, too. Did you know your own body’s immune system can attack the lining of your mouth and create stinging sores? Chances are you or a loved one suffers from these frustrating ulcers. Research shows that one simple, inexpensive supplement may dramatically reduce attacks.

Xerostomia: When Saliva Goes Missing

Xerostomia: When Saliva Goes Missing

Did you know our bodies produce roughly 1-2 liters of saliva every day? Peak production occurs in the late afternoon, dropping off dramatically during the night. But for nearly 30 million Americans, there’s never enough moisture produced, day or night. Chances are you or someone you care about struggles with this difficult condition.

5 Teeth Whitening Myths Debunked

5 Teeth Whitening Myths Debunked

If the color of your teeth isn’t as bright as the whites of your eyes, it may be time to consider brightening your smile. Teeth whitening is simple, effective, and safe...as long as it’s done properly with quality products and methods. Take a look at 5 common myths you need to debunk to get it right.

Teeth Whitening: A Quick Smile Fix

Teeth Whitening: A Quick Smile Fix

A recent survey simply asked: “Do you consider a smile to be an important social asset?” Only 0.3% of the respondents indicated they didn’t think a smile held significant social value! So it almost goes without saying...your smile carries a lot of weight. Discover one simple way you can dramatically lift your smile to a new level. And you’ll be surprised how quickly and affordably you can do it!